Instagram Story vs Post

Instagram posts have been around from the very start, and they are the base on which the platform stands. However, with new features being added through the years, posts have a serious rival for user attention — stories. 

This Instagram story vs post guide will give you an idea of which type of content is better and when, so you know what to focus on to boost content visibility and follower engagement.

What Is the Difference Between an Instagram Post and Story?

Before we can really get into the Instagram stories vs posts battle and which one you should opt for, we should get the differences between the two out of the way. 

When you post content on Instagram, you have several options for where it will appear. You can choose to share it as a regular post, a story, or a reel.

Posts show up in your followers’ main feeds and on your profile, below your bio. This is the “standard” option typically used for images, as reels have more powerful editing features.

A story, meanwhile, is a short clip that can be viewed when clicking your profile picture or in the top row of your followers’ main feed. Regardless if they’re images or videos, these clips can only be 10 seconds long each and will only show up on your page for 24 hours unless you save them as a Highlight. 

Instagram Posts vs Stories — Which One Should You Choose? 

Now that you know the difference between a post and a story on Instagram, it should be a bit easier to decide which one to go with. To make this decision even easier, we’ve listed several factors to take into consideration. 

When to Go for an Instagram Post vs Story

A Post is a great option for photos and video content that you want easily accessible on your page and visible for longer. 

As a result, posts win the Instagram story vs feed battle in the case of promotional videos, testimonial videos, interviews with founders or employees, product launch videos, etc. 

For example, if you’re launching a new product, the video that walks viewers through its features makes more sense as a post, given stories’ limited longevity.

With stats showing that the reach of Instagram stories is lower than that of posts, if you’re on the fence about Instagram story vs post ads, the latter would enable you to cast your net wider.

When to Opt for an Instagram Story vs Post

While in some cases, posts are the way to go in the Instagram feed vs stories comparison, the element where stories take the lead is engagement. 

If we look at the Instagram stories vs posts engagement potential, stories feature tools such as reaction emojis, polls, etc., and if you use them right, you could interact better with your followers. 

For example, you could post a video asking your audience for their opinion on a new product idea, and/or then use the poll feature to gauge interest. 

Alternatively, you could post funny cutouts or bloopers from your latest photoshoot and use the reaction emojis to see how your followers react.

Then, because they only last for 24 hours, stories don’t clog up your feed, and they’re less likely to feel outdated. You can also use them to break up longer videos into more digestible chunks. 

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, the Instagram story vs post battle should be decided by the type of content you want to promote, and the level of engagement you’re targeting. If you’re still unsure, a balanced combination of the two types of content will give you the best chance of both reaching a wider audience and engaging with your followers. 

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